Sunday, April 27, 2008


What I know about the holocaust is that the Jews went through a lot of percussion and trouble. They were afraid of the Nazi's breaking into their houses and sending them to the concentration camps. If the were sent to the concentration camps, there were forced to work until the die. So the Jews hid in secret houses were the Nazi's couldn't find them. The Jews and the Germans where not allowed to listen to foreign News. Germany ruled almost every country in Europe, which made it more unsafe for the Jews. That all I remember about the holocaust, it is a very scary thing to learn.


DahoonB said...

I liked how you wrote the format. You wrote like if you were one of Jews. You wrote that they were worried about Natzies breaking into their house and their hiding place maybe. I also like how you write like that you know or you was in the situation.

Steve said...

First of all, you use too much vocabularies. jk. You know more than I do on Holocaust. But we have one in common that we think that holocaust was a negative think. According to my calculation of the tone formula, your tone tells me that your opinion on holocaust is negative.